I keep getting the following database error, any idea?
Database error in vBulletin 5.1.8:
Invalid SQL:
CREATE TABLE forumtmp_nodestats AS SELECT node.parentid AS nodeid, count(nv.nodeid)
AS tmpvisitors,
nv.totalcount - IFNULL(existing.replies, 0) AS tmpreplies FROM forumnodevisits
AS nv
INNER JOIN forumnode AS node ON node.nodeid = nv.nodeid
LEFT JOIN forumnodestatreplies AS existing ON existing.nodeid = node.parentid
WHERE nv.dateline >= 1434153600 AND nv.dateline < (1434153600 + 86400)
GROUP BY node.parentid, existing.replies; /**vBForum:calculateStats called from
cron **/;
MySQL Error : BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in
'(`bbempire_forum`.`nv`.`totalcount` -
Error Number : 1690
Request Date : Saturday, July 25th 2015 @ 06:07:13 PM
Error Date : Saturday, July 25th 2015 @ 06:07:13 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : Guest
Classname : vB_Database_MySQLi
MySQL Version :