Originally Posted by kh99
That's pretty close. I think like this:
$templater = vB_Template::create('targhette');
$templater->register('my_var', $my_var);
$templater->register('my_array', $my_array);
$targhette = $templater->render();
vB_Template::preRegister('postbit_legacy', array('targhette' => $targhette));
and using hook postbit_display_complete, probably. For memberinfo you'd need another plugin (and change the template name in preRegister, of course). For that one use hook member_complete instead. Also, there is no $post for the memberinfo, but the user's info is in $userinfo, so you could just put $userinfo in place of $post in the register call. If you leave the name in the register call as 'post' then you can use the same template.
Edit: oh, I'm assuming that you know that the my_var and my_array register lines are just examples. If you use variables in your custom template, you'd want to replace those two lines with one or more lines to register your variables.
I've got this working for the postbit, but now i'm having problem to get this work in user profile, I need to use the same template (targhette) but in this page.
I'm trying with this plugin:
PHP Code:
$templater = vB_Template::create('targhette');
$templater->register('userinfo', $post);
$targhette = $templater->render();
vB_Template::preRegister('memberinfo_block_ministats', array('targhette' => $targhette));
And I write {vb:raw targhette} in memberinfo_block_ministats, but doesn't work.
The template hook i'm using is member_complete.