Originally Posted by BlackxRam
I am pretty sure the code for grabbing the youtube thumbnails has broken somewhat in the newer updates. I just tried adding about 15 youtube videos to test this and not one fetched the thumbnail.
Thumbs work just fine for uploading regular images and such. It's only for the Youtube stuff. You also said you can add your own youtube thumbnail but I don't see that option anywhere when I click edit on a youtube addition to the gallery.
Assuming that you've correct the follow 2 values:
- YouTUBE id and NOT the full URL in the video that you post
- The server path to .../mediagallery/photos
it's easy to find if its the mod's error or YouTUBE error. In details:
YouTUBE has some links for retrieving the video's thumb. The URL looks like:
The last is the type of thumb. In this case is Maximum Resolution. Other possible values are:
- hqdefault.jpg for High Quality
- mqdefault.jpg for Medium Quality ...and...
- sddefault.jpg for Standard Definition
Most often the last one (even in not so good quality) works:
If you want to use this type, you can change media_usercp.php line 374:
$videourl = 'https://i3.ytimg.com/vi/'.$video.'/maxresdefault.jpg';
Change to:
$videourl = 'https://i3.ytimg.com/vi/'.$video.'/sddefault.jpg';