Originally posted by ixian
This is weird:
I just started noticing that this hack is repeating displays of certain threads, i.e. I'll have say "8" threads configured to show up, and two of them will be the exact same thread.
I even re-downloaded a fresh copy and re-configured it in case it was anything I did. You can see what I am talking about at http://ix.maximumgamer.com/forums/last10.php. That's the stock script, set to display 20 - notice how it repeats a couple threads. It does this consistantly.
Any ideas??
Doh! Turned out to be another problem not related to the script. I had a problem with one of Tubedogg's hacks - stars - on my old board and members were being double-registered. This hack just read posts from members affected by this as two threads. Once I started clearing up that problem, the one listed above went away.
I have seriously modified this hack; those who want to see what it looks like in simple form can see it at my website, top right corner. I edited a lot of the code I didn't need, like forum parent, etc, out of the script to reduce queries, took all the table-generation stuff out, and added in my own code that calls my .css layout so the script integrates perfectly with the rest of my site. Couldn't have done any of it without the original script, particularly the code to exclude certain forums - had a bear of a time trying to write it on my own and finally decided just to modify this one. Thanks again Chen!!