Unless if something has changed last 2 years the code below works to create a thread:
PHP Code:
$newpost['title'] = $title;
$newpost['message'] = $thread_text;
$newpost['iconid'] = 0;
$newpost['parseurl'] = 1;
$newpost['signature'] = 1;
$newpost['preview'] = '';
$newpost['disablesmilies'] = 0;
$newpost['rating'] = 0;
$newpost['username'] = '';
$newpost['postpoll'] = 0;
$newpost['polloptions'] = 4;
$newpost['folderid'] = 0;
$newpost['emailupdate'] = 9999;
$newpost['imagehash'] = '';
$newpost['imagestamp'] = '';
$newpost['poststarttime'] = time();
$newpost['posthash'] = md5($newpost['poststarttime'] . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . $vbulletin->userinfo['salt']);
$newpost['stickunstick'] = '';
$newpost['openclose'] = 0;
$newpost['podcasturl'] = '';
$newpost['podcastsize'] = 0;
$newpost['podcastexplicit'] = 0;
$newpost['podcastkeywords'] = '';
$newpost['podcastsubtitle'] = '';
$newpost['podcastauthor'] = '';
$sql_forum = $db->query_first("SELECT forumid FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."gallery_categories WHERE id=$categoryid LIMIT 1");
$foruminfo = fetch_foruminfo($sql_forum['forumid']);
build_new_post('thread', $foruminfo, array(), array(), $newpost, $errors);
$threadid = $newpost['threadid'];
The question is if there is anyway to allow replies to this thread only to some userids (eg 3,5,7).
Any idea?
EDITED: I know that there is a way to restrict replies to the thread owner. But in my case I want to extend this ability to one more userid (Not Moderator, Not Administrator).
--------------- Added [DATE]1437461471[/DATE] at [TIME]1437461471[/TIME] ---------------
I tried to find any setting to do it manually but I found nothing. Most probably this feature is not available.