Originally Posted by NickTheGreek
Video thumbs work fine:
Just add a video with title "Testing Thumb".
The reason that you and someone else can't see the thumbs is because (like most users) you're in rush to have everything working just after the upload. If you follow the standard steps valid for all vB mods it should works. And the main step is: SETTINGS.
If you go to the mod settings, the last one is:
Server Path to Uploads
Set there the correct server path to ...../mediagallery/photos and everything should works fine.
I was adding full url didn't understand "The filename (and NOT the full URL) of your YouTUBE video." sorry about that
ive changed it to (Just enter youtube id) e.g in
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4RiUy23e9s ("d4RiUy23e9s" is id)
works perfect thank you