Originally Posted by Skyrider
Do you by chance have any demo of the lite version? To compare pro / lite with live demo's  .
I don't. Both demos are full premium. To try the lite, its free to download
Lite Version vs. Full Version:
Lite version comes with alot, but by no means is it for serious admins.
-Global Notifications: replies to threads, profile posts
-Fully responsive design: Works on mobile, tablets, and web.
-15 different, FULLY designed themes
-Newly Designed, registration, profile dropdowns, dynamic profile dropdown
-Auto-installation + auto logo detection
-Facebook Connect Integration
-Easy installation, automatic template adjustments
-It has RTL compatibility
Pro includes all +:
-Private Messaging
-Multi-RSS Feed Notifications
-Thumbnail based notifications
-Comes with powerful bootstrap manual, every single aspect is customizable
-Premium columnular forum dropdown of categories - dynamic
-Abe Thanks notifications
-Dbtech mentions notifications
-Optimized notifications
-And lots more.
Also our Premium comes with an indepth manual on how to do pretty much anything on the platform from:
-adding forms, search, custom dropdowns, items only visible to certain groups, buttons etc, changing links, colors, and altering animations