Tie mysql field to /member.php?u=ID or add table field to search?
I'm currently looking for 2 things.
I'm sure all of you know that with /members/ID or /member.php?u=ID you are being forwarded to the user profile.. awesome! Now I'm looking for the ability or possibility of tying a field within the user table to the members PHP file. For example, my SteamID64 (for those who are familiar with it) is 76561197983696188
Seeing my steam_link field in the user table is "76561197983696188|0|0" I'd like to know if it is possible that whenever I go to /members/76561197983696188 or /member.php?u=76561197983696188 it goes to my forum profile.
Seeing that the ID is always a lot of digits, I doubt it'll be an issue with the existing UserID's.
Now, if that's not 'possible', or hard to do. I'd like to know if I can extend the forum search feature to add an extra search bar, from:
- Keyword(s):
- User Name:
- Tag:
- Keyword(s):
- User Name:
- SteamID (in this case, like above would be for example, 76561197983696188)
- Tag:
I still have to experiment with this, but I appreciate help with this. It would narrow down my search in how to do this.