Problem Transferring From Shared to Private Server on GoDaddy
Hello all,
I've been tinkering with transferring all of my files on my previous server to my new server and nothing is working. GoDaddy did it themselves and did a worse hack job than I did. Luckily my old server is still up and running, so the website is still up with no issues. But I'm paying for two servers monthly when I need just one.
So, I'm hoping some of you can lead me in the right direction with this. I'm starting from scratch all over again. My current plan is to: Open FileZilla and copy the entire root folder named "/" from my old server to my desktop computer. After this is done (~90-120 minutes), I will need to upload them to my new server. Once that is done, I don't know where to go or what to do. This is where I need the correct advice/information. I understand there are certain lines/areas of information on the admincp end in vbulletin, as well as in the base folder index.html file and /forums/includes/config.php file?
If there is any information needed that I have not included please let me know. Go easy on me, I haven't had to adjust any of the back-end server stuff in almost two years and GoDaddy support does nothing with vBulletin. So, the more information and explanation in my situation is very appreciated. Thank you all in advance!
Best Regards,