Sorry I haven't been around much (life is hectic as I'm closing up school). Byron, here are some answers:
- Will this importer work on the latest version of phpBB? Yes
- Will there be any broken images for the avatars or smiles? Avatars? No. Smilies? Only if you don't move them into your smilies directory.
- Any problem with the BBcode? I've got a brand new BBCode convertor in the next release, works much better

- (I read that some of you are having problem with your users passwords.) I have fixed that in the upcoming release. Sorry about that!!
- Are all your members able to log in after your import? Yes, of course!
- Are there any other problems? If there are, people haven't told me

Also, other problems that I have fixed are typos across the script, and the problem with vBulletin trying to read phpBB databases from the vBulletin database, or vice versa. New release soon if I can get enough time.