Originally Posted by kelvinwong208
How to uninstall this ? it's always get Database Error !?
You have two options: disable the plugins/hooks system from config.php and than uninstall the modification as you normally would (since it is now just an XML and hope the XML acts right). Than re-enable the plugin/hooks system from config.php.
Option two is more drastic but I've found it the one that I still have to do with this modification: restore the database to a previous version that didn't have this modification installed.
You can either do that through the server shell (SSH) or via phpMyAdmin by finding the vBulletin database and dropping all its tables. Than simply re-import the database backup that you made prior to installing this modification and vBulletin will be working like nothing ever happened.
Please note, if you are inexperienced with interacting with databases should you choose option two, I would advise that you find an experienced member willing to help you out. vBulletin.org nor I will be held responsible for loss of data, business, etc.
vBWonders: Out of curiosity, I wonder if your issues are stemming from MariaDB which, while it is a "drop in replacement" for MySQL, does still indeed function a little differently.
I remember when you were trying to help me the errors it specified in the install script you created specifically for me referenced MariaDB driver errors at the top and not MySQL database errors.
It might be something to look into. MariaDB is the future and we use it in all our deployments; not sure about everyone else.