Originally Posted by Code Geass
Sorry to disappoint you I tried your steps but it doesn't work.
Still shows :
Error fetching OAuth2 access token, message: 'invalid_grant: Code was already redeemed.' on line 119 in /var/www/XXXXXXX/dbtech/dbseo/includes/3rdparty/Google/Auth/OAuth2.php (code: 400)
This is not a problem in our mod, it's most likely to do with the CloudFlare integration. We have had no other reports of this happening.
Originally Posted by Code Geass
Anyway are these used for show only reports ? or also improve seo activity ?
They eliminate some steps such as automatically signing up for GA or GWT and auto submitting sitemap, but other than that it's currently only for reports.
Originally Posted by Code Geass
* There is an issue with Reddit social button not appear .. all other buttons work
We use AddThis to add our buttons, we don't control the script they use to display the buttons.
Originally Posted by Code Geass
** The first button is facebook then (twitter , google+ .....) are not in straight line, Facebook is under them and the rest is upper on stright line
Please try this in a default (unmodified) skin.
Originally Posted by Code Geass
I have a question : if I use htaccess password to dbseocp directory is that affect it is operation ? because I want to use it for extra security.
That is untested, I cannot guarantee it'll not affect operation but it shouldn't.