Sorry to disappoint you I tried your steps but it doesn't work.
Still shows :
Error fetching OAuth2 access token, message: 'invalid_grant: Code was already redeemed.' on line 119 in /var/www/XXXXXXX/dbtech/dbseo/includes/3rdparty/Google/Auth/OAuth2.php (code: 400)
Anyway are these used for show only reports ? or also improve seo activity ?
If it is to show reports then I'm okay with this issue, I can see the reports from the google page itself.
* There is an issue with Reddit social button not appear .. all other buttons work
** The first button is facebook then (twitter , google+ .....) are not in straight line, Facebook is under them and the rest is upper on stright line
I have a question : if I use htaccess password to dbseocp directory is that affect it is operation ? because I want to use it for extra security.