Originally Posted by Code Geass
It shows latest version is 2.0.8 now 
vBulletin.org receives updates approx. 1 week later in order to allow me the opportunity to receive new issue reports in a format I can work with. It's nigh impossible for me to effectively provide support here @ vBulletin.org.
Originally Posted by Code Geass
I'm having problem with authentication of google
Google Analytics Account ID
Google Analytics Profile ID
I don't really know how t get them ! I used the number from google analytics ( UA-XXXXXXXX-1)
I used the XXXXXXX part and whole ( UA-XXXXXXXX-1) in Account ID & in Profile ID because I don't know where I should put it in.
But in the end it give me an error
Error fetching OAuth2 access token, message: 'invalid_grant: Code was already redeemed.' on line 119 in /var/www/XXXX/dbtech/dbseo/includes/3rdparty/Google/Auth/OAuth2.php (code: 400)
We are using "Cloudflare" service and it give us much of "Error 524 a timedout occured" message and shows host error many times after installation of your plugin
First of all, do not manually fill in either of those fields.
Here's the complete, step by step instructions for how to authenticate with your Google account:
1. Disable any CloudFlare integration for the DBSEO CP
2. Disable any popup blockers in your browser for the DBSEO CP
3. Click either Webmaster Reports or Google Analytics Reports
4. Click the Authenticate button
5. A new tab will have opened containing an authorisation request. Make sure you sign in with the Google account previously associated with your Google Analytics and/or Google Webmaster Tools accounts
6. Copy the code from the text field and click Authenticate again.
Originally Posted by slumptik
So there is no way to affect the display of an error message that is being generated by your modification?
You asked for a way to hide it from the public. The information displayed is essential - reporting "There is an error, please fix." is about as useful to me as me telling you "go over there".
DBSEO cannot determine whether the user receiving the error is an administrator or a user, because vBulletin with its permissions system has not loaded yet.
Therefore, the full error message is displayed, including diagnostic information I require in order to assist (e.g. MySQL version).
Originally Posted by Code Geass
There is a problem shown in Google webmaster tools
Your Sitemap appears to be an HTML page. Please use a supported sitemap format instead.
Sitemap : /XXXX/sitemap_index.xml.gz
DBSEO version 2.0.7
That is not the correct sitemap file. Please submit /dbseositemap.php or use the Webmaster Report page to auto-submit the /dbseositemap.php file.