Heh....I didn't really like it much above the "Useful Admin Stuff" section, so I put it below it.
If you want to do the same...
Find & Delete:
if ($moderatenewmembers==1 or $usecoppa==1) {
$waiting=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT count(*) AS users FROM user WHERE usergroupid=4");
if ($waiting[users]==0) {
echo "<font size='1'>There are currently $waiting[users] user(s) awaiting <a href=\"user.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=moderate\">moderation</a>.</font>";
} else {
echo "<b><a href=\"user.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=moderate\">There are currently $waiting[users] user(s) awaiting moderation</a>.</b>";
Then Find:
<tr class="secondalt">
<td>Useful Links</td>
<td><select onchange="jumpto(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)">
<option>» Useful Links «</option>
<option value="http://www.vbulletin.com/">vBulletin Home Page</option>
<option value="http://www.vbulletin.com/members/">vBulletin Members' Area</option>
<option value="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/">vBulletin Support Forums</option>
<option value="http://www.vbulletin.com/manual/">vBulletin Online Manual</option>
<option value="http://www.php.net/">PHP Home Page</option>
<option value="http://www.php.net/manual/">PHP Online Manual</option>
<option value="http://www.mysql.com/">MySQL Home Page</option>
<option value="http://www.mysql.com/documentation/">MySQL Documentation</option>
Add this below:
function kbtomb($value) {
if ($value == 'N/A') {
return $value;
} elseif (!$value) {
return '0.0 MB';
} else {
return sprintf('%.2f', $value / 1024000) . ' MB';
$starttime = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
$attach = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT SUM(LENGTH(filedata)) AS size FROM attachment");
$avatar = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT SUM(LENGTH(avatardata)) AS size FROM customavatar");
$newusers = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM user WHERE joindate >= $starttime");
$newthreads = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM thread WHERE dateline >= $starttime");
$newposts = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM post WHERE dateline >= $starttime");
$users = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM user WHERE lastactivity >= $starttime");
$mysqlversion = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT VERSION() AS version");
$indexsize = 0;
$datasize = 0;
if ($mysqlversion['version'] >= '3.23') {
$DB_site->reporterror = 0;
$tables = $DB_site->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS");
$errno = $DB_site->errno;
$DB_site->reporterror = 1;
if (!$errno) {
while ($table = $DB_site->fetch_array($tables)) {
$datasize += $table['Data_length'];
$indexsize += $table['Index_length'];
if (!$indexsize) {
$indexsize = 'N/A';
if (!datasize) {
$datasize = 'N/A';
} else {
$datasize = 'N/A';
$indexsize = 'N/A';
$attachcount = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM attachment WHERE visible = 0");
$serverinfo = PHP_OS . ' / PHP v' . phpversion();
if (phpversion() >= '4.0.3') {
$serverinfo .= iif(ini_get('safe_mode'), ' Safe Mode', '');
$serverinfo .= iif(ini_get('file_uploads'), '', '<br />FILE_UPLOADS disabled');
doformheader('', '');
maketableheader('Quick Stats');
makelabelcode('Server Type', $serverinfo);
makelabelcode('MySQL', 'v' . $mysqlversion['version']);
makelabelcode('Database Data Usage:', kbtomb($datasize));
makelabelcode('Database Index Usage:', kbtomb($indexsize));
makelabelcode('Attachment Usage:', kbtomb($attach['size']));
makelabelcode('Custom Avatar Usage:', kbtomb($avatar['size']));
// Only display if the admin has moderation enabled on an active postable forum.
if ($DB_site->query_first("SELECT forumid FROM forum WHERE moderatenew = 1 AND cancontainthreads = 1 AND active = 1 AND allowposting = 1")) {
$postcount = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM post WHERE visible=0");
$threadcount = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM thread WHERE visible=0");
makelabelcode("Threads Awaiting <a href=\"../mod/moderate.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=posts\">Moderation</a>:", $threadcount['count']);
makelabelcode("Posts Awaiting <a href=\"../mod/moderate.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=posts\">Moderation</a>:", $postcount['count']);
if ($moderatenewmembers==1 or $usecoppa==1) {
$waiting=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT count(*) AS users FROM user WHERE usergroupid=4");
makelabelcode("Users Awaiting <a href=\"user.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=moderate\">Moderation</a>:", $waiting['users']);
makelabelcode("Attachments Awaiting <a href=\"../mod/moderate.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=attachments\">Moderation</a>:", $attachcount['count']);
makelabelcode('New Users Today:', $newusers['count']);
makelabelcode('Registered Visitors Today:', $users['count']);
makelabelcode('New Threads Today:', $newthreads['count']);
makelabelcode('New Posts Today:', $newposts['count']);
Hopefully that'll work for anyone who would actually do it.