Here's one artcile from on things you should do if hacked:
You might look at your web server access log to see if you can tell how they got in. Otherwise, it's difficult. If they logged in as you then the most obvious answer is they somehow guessed or got your password, but it's also a possibility that they have access to the database. (Do you use the same password on other sites? If so then it's a good bet that's how they got it).
Look over your plugins. By default there shouldn't be any under product "vbulletin". Also use Maintenance > Diagnostics > Suspect File Versions to see any changed files or files that aren't part of vbulletin. You might also look at the server directly to see if there's anything outside your forum directory that shouldn't be there.
Edit: Oh, from that log you posted it looks like they might have changed a scheduled task or done something to a subscription (or they may just have looked at those pages).