I'm having problem with authentication of google
Google Analytics Account ID
Google Analytics Profile ID
I don't really know how t get them ! I used the number from google analytics ( UA-XXXXXXXX-1)
I used the XXXXXXX part and whole ( UA-XXXXXXXX-1) in Account ID & in Profile ID because I don't know where I should put it in.
But in the end it give me an error
Error fetching OAuth2 access token, message: 'invalid_grant: Code was already redeemed.' on line 119 in /var/www/XXXX/dbtech/dbseo/includes/3rdparty/Google/Auth/OAuth2.php (code: 400)
We are using "Cloudflare" service and it give us much of "Error 524 a timedout occured" message and shows host error many times after installation of your plugin