Are you still looking for this? I think this works: create a plugin using hook
set_navigaton_tab_main and this code:
global $forumid, $vbulletin;
$awards_forumid = X;
if (!empty($forumid) && $forumid != -1 && is_array($vbulletin->forumcache[$awards_forumid]))
if (in_array($forumid, explode(',',$vbulletin->forumcache[$awards_forumid]['childlist'])))
$root = 'tab_id';
You need to replace the X with the forumid of your awards forum, and the 'tab_id' with your tab id, which you can see as 'Identity' when you're editing the tab in the navigation manager (when I tested the code, my tab id was tab_ndq3_856, so it will be something like that).