Originally Posted by Alibass
I don't see anything either plus there are other ways of contributing to this mod like placing a link in the footer of your website to their hosting company. That's were they make their money, not off donations of this mod.
There is no indication on vbulletin.org of the donations - I was referring to personal correspondence the author sent me when I dontated - the author made the effort to personally thank me for my donation, and mentioned how many they had received relating to this mod.
This mod places one link on the target forum, and it's a link to this very thread - and that can be disabled. There is an option to enable a link to be visible for their own hosting company, but it is disabled by default (an honourable and appreciated default setting).
If you think for a second that most users would enable this setting to promote their hosting service, then you are sadly mistaken - did you? If 1000 people enabled this, then maybe that meant a few new customers their way - and they wouldn't be making that much money from each customer judging from their product offerings.
Originally Posted by Alibass
That's were they make their money, not off donations of this mod.
And it's where, not were.
Support what you use and value. Donate.