If they start withdrawing their service from ISIS sites where does it stop though? Should Cloudflare really be expected to act as the moral compass of the Internet and whose morals are they supposed to be taking?
There are plenty of countries that people consider to be terrorist states including Isreal, Palistine, the U.S.A a& Russia and which every site operating in one of these are funding terrorism with their taxes so should Cloudflare stop providing their service to sites in those countries?
And there are plenty of sites that promote what myself and others consider hate speech and hate groups. The U.S Republicain party for example who's stance on homosexuality, gay rights and abortion are to me bigoted but anyone supporting and agreeing with those views are allowed to have those views. Should Cloudflare decided any such sites that openly support the Republicain party or just one or all their views in general shouldn't be allowed to use the service. The same with Christian groups.
No company should be expected to be our moral compass. As long as the site isn't activily doing something illegal then which the examples of ISIS sites I've seen on the news they seem careful not to cross that line then It shouldn't be Cloudflares duty