I tried to add a side banner yesterday to the forum I help run. It ended up covering half the page. :erm:
So today I am trying again with a new narrower banner and the owner of the website has informed me that I need to make it so that it links to the website which the forum is about.
I used this code to install yesterday and it did not look good on the forum. I messed about with the height and width and it only seemed to move it across and back the forum page.
"Here is how you can force a banner to the right side of the header, under the Login/Username info.
First edit the additional.css template and add this code:
.ad_global_header {
Admin CP -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> Edit Templates -> CSS Templates -> additional.css
Then place the HTML code for the banner in the ad_global_header2 template here:
Admin CP -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> Edit Templates -> Ad Location Templates -> ad_global_header2
Note: You can adjust the right and top values as needed to fine tune the placement. "
Forum is-