Originally Posted by mansonklan
It will overwrite your previous rewrites and replace with yours...
Not good, and why use install.php when you can just use a plugin?
It might be free but its a mess...
I'm not surprising of what you've said because you don't understand anything in coding or in vBulletin coding so let me tell you these things first and then you can reply AGAIN :
First you need to know what's the difference between plugin and running an SQL statement !!!!!!!
Running an SQL statement like creating tables or altering table is NOT SOMETHING DONE VIA PLUGINS.
The plugins which are called "HOOKS" which are a code to be run inside certain file pre-defined by vBulletin and we don't have any control of the places of the hooks in the files! PLEASE REMEMBER THIS THING AND WE NEED IT IN BELOW ABOUT THE TEMPLATE SYSTEM
So if you don't have a hook in a file like template.php ??? You can't edit this file via plugins

What does that mean ????
If you want to run a code inside a certain file you need a hook inside it which is a vBulletin pre-defined as I told you, So when you don't have a HOOK you will replace the file with the edited one.
So you can't put an installation code of creating tables ... etc in plugins because plugins are calling every time when that file is running.
Which will generate a database error that x table is already exists and your forum will be down.