Enabled: First Byte- 10.113s
disabled: .403s
I'm sorry, it's just incredibly frustrating trying to optimize a site & maintain traffic at the same time. I love what dbSEO does in theory, but how it plays out in real time is a different story.
******************************************UPDATE** *******************************
NO NO NO NO NO. With the help of my server host we discovered that a Mod I was using was causing the loading issues and Spike in dbSEO's CPU usage. It was NOT dbSEO after all that caused the issue.
So, for those of you with loading/server spike issues.
1. Disable ALL of your mods, Enable them 1 at a time and run a webpagetest EACH time before proceeding to ensure that the newly enabled mod is NOT interfering with your server (or dbSEO) and load times.
2. In case anyone is wondering which mod was causing the severe issues, it was the
Check 4 Hack Mod. (which again, is more than like user error because that particular mod says for use on vb sites up to version 4.1.4 . It does NOT state that it will work in my (newer) version. So- My Bad, yet again.
For the sake of Clarity, dbSEO was NOT causing the severe load on the server and I humbly apologize to them for
MY error.