Originally Posted by tyteen4a03
Finally updated the code. No more manual template modification!
Its not working. I think its the PHP Code within the XML that is causing it not to work. If found also a Typo in the URL (In XML Product) but i will come to that later. And even after fixing the URL typo It still did not work, and I decided to add the codes manually to see if it works at all.
1) The Code in "headinclude" Template"
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/rainbow.js"></script>
2) The Code in my "footer" Template:
I finally added the BBCODE, and below is a screenshotg of how the Text Turned up in my Test Forums (vB3.8.8):
I had no time to investigate the issue further. So I made this short Tutorial to help you out. I hope you could fix it because the mod is very cool. Thanks and Good job btw.
ohh and By the way
, About the URL Typo Error I mentioned above. Its in the XML File. The following URL is missing a Slash between:
$vboptions[bburl] and
clientscript, This is how the URL looks like now:
<script type="text/javascript" src="$vboptions[bburl]clientscript/rainbow.js"></script>
Here is the correct Example:
<script type="text/javascript" src="$vboptions[bburl]/clientscript/rainbow.js"></script>
Good Luck