Originally Posted by TheXboxCloud
I've noticed strange behavior on the site recently.
Now how does a software over 10 years old have 30 topics for themes in one of the forums? I find this very odd.
Also I'd like to notice the vbulletin 5 styles only have around 20 topics?
You're comparing apples to oranges. As the title suggests, vB3.8 Admin CP styles are for the Admin CP. The backend of the software. I have never quite understood why anyone would bother to style the backend, which practically no one ever sees. You obviously missed the vB3.8 styles forum with > 400 threads. And you also missed that there are other forums for 3.6 and 3.7, making your ten years argument somewhat shaggy
There's almost no styles for vB5 for the same reason there are almost no addons for vB5. There's a lot of threads on the "quality" of that piece of software...