Originally Posted by kh99
So are you saying that, when generating the sitemap, you'd like to do the reverse of what your htaccess rewrite rules do? I don't know how to do that, but I was wondering if I understood correctly.
Hey there, this is an issue unique to those that use a custom url structure. I fixed it by getting a custom made sitemap. Basically this was a problem that .htaccess couldn't fix. The vbulletin sitemap was creating links in a
http://Yoursite.com/showthread.php?t-122232 format. Google looks at any sitemap as a prefered format. It also looks at a "rel=canonical" tag as a prefered format. Like say... Google begins to index in one format, visits the page and begins to index in another format. Then when the sitemap is checked again the cycle starts all over.
Basically the two canceled each other out. Now that the sitemap matches the Canonical tag things will index much quicker.
Plus this sitemap pings google anyways so I don't have to wait weeks for indexing. New posts are showing up in the index within an hour or so.