I've been working with web templates the past few days now, everything seems to be working well now, I'm still linking everything up on a test site before turning my main site into it.
I'm currently using a combo of Vb255/VbHome (lite)/ and your webtemplates to link other dynamic pages together. I am making a wish list for you then will post here as requested. I'm playing with setting up a web gallery template with your template system to my site, I've been having a lot of fun learning and experimenting. so thank you for your hard work on the project.
I've been working on it most of today, I have a link if you would like to see how it is coming along. The goal is to get my products/development/gallery etc etc linked up to the site with your template system.. if a link doesn't work it's cause i'm still testing. so far the install went beautifully again with my testsite.