Originally Posted by MarkFL
What do you need this ranking system to based on, rather than post counts?
Our own whim actually. There's a two tiered membership system and while the general community membership is based on post counts the upper tier membership is not. It does seem that it's becoming more and more apparent that apply 42 secondary groups would allow for the upper tier to display the proper rank chain without having to mess with the HTML markup every time.
Originally Posted by cellarius
No. You need to learn how secondary usergroups work. No need to replicate permission sets. Set everything to no and assign the usergroup as secondary. Yes always overrules no, so the no works like a not specified in this case.
Your rudeness not withstanding it seems that you ironically need to read what you wrote. To have a secondary usergroup those usergroups have to exist which still means the addition of 42 usergroups; it doesn't matter if their permissions are set all to "no." It's still adding 42 usergroups and than making them members of the secondary group as well as the primary group that needed the chain to begin with.
This tells me that essentially vBulletin doesn't have such a function built in and there's likely no modification that can replicate that either.
42 Secondary Usergroups it is it seems. Which makes sense, I don't recall any such feature even in the vBulletin 3.x days.