Originally Posted by Emad ELsayed
Thank you dear
I hope added in the next free version 
That won't be possible unfortunately, as only the Pro version allows you to add your own custom URL formats, which the vBSEO importer relies on.
Originally Posted by lapiervb
Are there going to be focus put back on improving this mod? Seems like the last several updates are only google analytics/WMT related which we already have and do not need added to a mod. I think your wasting your time with the google junk as its not an improvement its something we already have.
I understand that you personally do not need this in a modification, but do bear in mind that not everyone possess your technical expertise, or indeed have the desire to leave their forum to go to an entirely separate site in order to check their site's performance.
We design our software to suit the most diverse set of forums & skill sets, which is why you'll rarely see our software requiring complex setup on 3rd party sites or a massive amount of file edits, or any such nonsense.
While you personally might be 100% fine with all these things, this is not the case for every other forum administrator out there.
I hope you understand
Originally Posted by migratoria
Dbseo It does not work with Arrowchat plugin?
I have modify my htaccess as specified here:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(admincp/|modcp/|cron)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(admincp/|modcp/|cron|arrowchat/)
But not work yet
Can you help me?
Can you please be more specific than "doesn't work"?