Originally Posted by crazymook
We just went through with vbmobile on our site and finally got it implemented over the weekend. Its been a HUGE success. A lot of my members (myself included) use tapatalk and quite a few people are sick of the backwards changes and bugs, etc. Everyone who has tried it thus far loves it. Its fast, simple and streamlined. It strips away a lot of the fluff and just focuses on the forum experience. And as said above, it does allow you to build on top of it.
I would strongly recommend this if youre looking for a true mobile solution.
You can see it in action on my site via - http://www.thechicagogarage.com/forum/?styleid=25
its a great review i guess. but, when testing your threads in Google's Mobile-Friendly Test using your "true mobile solution style"...it fails!
when using your desktop style, and then adding your forum index through Google test, that fails to.
Google should be able to pick up Mobile friendly just by visiting your forum. Surely Googles not going to look through your style choices are they?
also, who ever posted androidforums.com, its xenforo which is responsive by default.
and i dont want to see VB4 forum link demo's, they Pass to. i am wanting to see VB3 live sites running this $500 Mobile theme verses the free version here at vb org which passes Google's Test:
and this demo
http://vbmobile.com/forum/ does not have a desktop style version demo to test it, like the above link, the free version, that forum passes without having to test the Mobile theme its self.