I am aware that this mod is no longer supported by the developers. hoping someone might have seen this and know a solution. i have a problem that randomly started happening with vbseo sitemap generator -- nothing changed on my site which is running vb 3.8.7 pl5
Sometimes the sitemap doesn't completely generate when the script runs for that at 2am or whatever. When it fails, I get zero error notifications. when going to mysite.com/sitemap_index.xml.gz it says "sitemap file not found". The vbseo_sitemap folder contains the sitemap_forum_1.xml.gz file. Normally it should contain sitemap_forum_2.xml.gz and sitemap_forum_3.xml.gz as well. plus sitemap_index.xml.gz should be there.
A file is in that directory called progress.dat. It's as if the script starts running but can't finish. But no errors whatsoever. I checked the webserver error logs, and PHP error logs, and no problems
For years, every day my vbseo sitemap generates perfectly at 2AM on the dot. Now it fails almost every other day. The only solution to the problem is to manually re-run the sitemap generator . This always fixes the problem, and NEVER fails when I run it manually. So i'm wondering why the manual option always works yet the automated one fails basically every other day. Wouldn't it be basically the same code that executes?
thanks for any suggestions, greatly appreciate the help