I've got this working after some fiddling around with it.
(still modifying and testing)
But I have a little problem with the private messaging box.
I can't seem to add my titlebar wich I use for all my windows.
My home_pmloggedin template is empty, this is probably why ?
I can't find what to add there tho ..
Anyway, I've added all my other titlebars in the home template before I called the entire variable(?), when I try this with the pm box it just won't shop up, or cluttered like hell.
My html skills are better then my php, but I can't seem to find why it's doing that.
(I forgot that the box wont even show up when you're not registered, I'll up a screenshot)
I'm also looking for the code to add wich members are online, I can't find it in the index.php