We are a reef/fish related forum and none of the awards and trophies seem relevant for us. Can we created our own icons and awards. Do we name it with an existing icon or can we name it what we like and it will show on the list?
This is very confusing as to what goes first and such in setting up categories, criteria, achievements and awards. Is there anywhere at all that you can point us to with details on how to do so other than the included documentation?
For example:
There's <, >, <=, >=, = If I wanted something to go to the highest ranking member, but can be taken away by the member that beats his score, which would I use? Not only that but how would one go about setting up this scenario?
Example 2:
How to match up awards with achievement points that we set in criteria? Also do we need to make a category for each level to have an award placed at the proper event ie; 100 posts, 500 posts, 1000 posts... ? If not, then a sub category somehow?
We have the Pro version.
Any help would be greatly appreciated