Originally Posted by kh99
I'm not sure that you'd need to change anything for the forum to basically work. Settings that are file system paths (like the attachment directory) would probably need to be changed. But if you're using the same domain name and your forum is still in /forum, then you shouldn't need to change anything to at least see a page of your forum. If I'm reading your first post right, you added another folder between public_html and forum which wasn't on the original server, so there is a setting (a vbulletin setting in the database) that needs to be changed for everything to work right. But even without changing it you should see something other than "page not found", so you should work on that before worrying about the setting.
If you put an html file in public_html, like maybe test.html, then you should be able to go to www.website.com/test.html and see it. If you can't, then you have a DNS problem or maybe a server config problem, and you need to contact GoDaddy about that.
Very helpful, thank you. I will work on things and post back up with updates. :up: