I was wondering if anyone would want to provide comments and feedback on our board/forum?
www.typologycentral.com It is a site that is about personality type. I took it over about a year ago and have been working hard on some improvements. I haven't done anything like this before, so it's been a learning experience. The forum is up for board of the month and I don't seem to be getting very many votes so I was curious to get some feedback

. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
A few of the items that I've done in the last year include:
- Moved to a new hosting provider (URLJet) and had some performance tuning done on the site
- Added Google Analytics and am using Google Webmaster tools which i use to monitor traffic; I put a robots.txt out there too (which wasn't there before) and also have sitemaps going to the major search engines
- Installed Tapatalk mobile app for android/iphone
- Installed Sphinx search (it was horribly slow before this)
- Organized a forum improvement committee and collaborated on direction for the site; summarized the results
- Created a new
custom home page with links to "hot threads", links to personality tests, profile descriptions for each personality type, links to main subforums, etc. Members see it differently than non-members - members also get to see their friends recent activity for example
- Added a new member resources section
here which includes a privacy policy
- Added a number of DragonByte Mods - Advanced Post Thanks/Likes, SEO, VBAnalytics, VBMail
- Added a
media library using VBTube and added some of the best videos I could find on the subject matter of the forum
- Added a
Wiki to the site using Wikimedia and am using VBSSO to provide automated sign-on for all forum members to the Wiki (integrated/single sign-on)
- Installed Spam-O-Matic and the Securi Anti-Malware service; I ended up needing an antispam extension for the wiki too
- Started a newsletter which I'm using VBMail to distribute to the membership
- Established feeds for new threads for selected subforums to other social networking sites (like twitter)
- Had a graphic artist create custom icons for each of the subforums - shown on the
forum page
- Created a
directory of additional resources and am updating this with links to the best sites i can find
- Reorganized the menu structure with a different menu for visitors vs. members (who have access to more)
- I am currently sponsoring a contest to promote posting as well
I'm working on some SEO stuff too but that is a work in process I'm afraid. I use Moz and Buzzstream and read a couple books. I'm working on making the site mobile friendly to support Google's new algorithm coming on on the 21st and hope to have that done in the next week.
I guess I haven't run out of things to do but any feedback on priorities would be helpful. As you can see, I'm doing a lot of stuff but I'm not sure if they are all the most important things.