Originally Posted by madness85
Hi guys just a few questions about the sidebar
1) If i disable sidebar should i also Disable Block Cache?
No, there is no need since the sidebar would not be active. It should not matter I do not think.
Originally Posted by madness85
2) I have a few plugins that are used for the sidebar e.g. lastest threads, staff online etc should i also disable delete these plugins or does it not matter?
If you do not place on using them again then yes I'd uninstall them and delete any files that you uploaded in installing them. If you think you might use them again then just disable them that should be enough.
Originally Posted by madness85
3) I have about 30 less queries no sidebar should this improve cpu load etc seems no different?
any help is much appreciated 
Having less queries is always a reduction in server load although as you said it may not be noticeable to you but its easier on the server and makes it where it runs a bit more smoothly in the long run.