Trying to edit function handle_bbcode_url (includes/class_bbcode.php) to allow for longer urls. I thought it would be easier to just allow longer ones than to try to remove the code altogether, but I seem to be at a stand still.
if (vbstrlen($tmp) > 55 AND $this->is_wysiwyg() == false)
$text = htmlspecialchars_uni(vbchop($tmp, 36) . '...' . substr($tmp, -14));
In theory, I should be able to change 55 to a higher number to allow for longer urls before truncation kicks in, but it's not working out that way. I could ramp it up to 5500 and it doesn't change anything. I've even tried raising 36 to a higher number- still nothing.
Has this method changed with VB5? Should I be looking elsewhere?