4.1.0?!?!? No! Please install and run 4.2.2 PL4 instead. If your license is an older outdated vB3 one from long ago and that's the most current version you can download then I would not use it, I would instead upgrade your current non vb4/5 license or purchase a vB5 license and simply run 4.2.2 under that 5.x license.
In your config.php file which is found in /FOLDERYOUUPLOADEDVBULLETINTO/includes/config.php <-- You must edit that file and include the database name, the database username, and the database password.
Also who is your host? What is your MYSQL and PHP versions?
Originally Posted by Zachery
PHP: 5.2.0
MySQL: 4.1.0
PHP: 5.2.6 - 5.3.x (5.4 only supported with vBulletin 4.2.2)
MySQL: 5.0.19 or newer