Originally Posted by Dave
That's weird, $threadinfo['lastpost'] should have a value at that hook location.
Put the following in the hook and see what's displayed on the screen, maybe also post some more code of the plugin.
Thanks...okay here's what I got using your code:
Array ( [isdeleted] => 0 [issubscribed] => 0 [emailupdate] => [folderid] => [threadread] => 1427725346 [forumread] => 1427725347 [description] => Hey everyone! [threadid] => 124 [title] => Hello again!! [prefixid] => [firstpostid] => 410 [lastpostid] => 802 [lastpost] => 1427725346 [forumid] => 10 [pollid] => 0 [open] => 1 [replycount] => 3 [postercount] => 2 [hiddencount] => 0 [deletedcount] => 0 [postusername] => regular dumb dude [postuserid] => 4 [lastposter] => MarkFL [lastposterid] => 1 [dateline] => 1420537306 [views] => 72 [iconid] => 0 [notes] => [visible] => 1 [sticky] => 0 [votenum] => 0 [votetotal] => 0 [attach] => 0 [similar] => [taglist] => [keywords] => [dbtech_thanks_disabledbuttons] => 0 [dbtech_thanks_requiredbuttons_content] => 0 [dbtech_thanks_requiredbuttons_attach] => 0 )
I see that $threadinfo['lastpost'] does in fact have a value there...perhaps I am not using PHP correctly to display it.
Okay, I just discovered I had a typo in my plugin when I attempted to use $threadinfo['lastpost'] before and it works beautifully now. My apologies for the added confusion.
I am very grateful for the help, and once I have this plugin working correctly I will post the complete code. I have one other issue I want to iron out with this, and that is to set the reported post into the moderation queue, but I will create a separate thread for that once I have the timestamp worked out.