Hello everyone!
I am currently working on a plugin that will automatically generate a report if a new user, that is one with less than 10 posts, posts a reply to a thread whose last post was made a significant time ago.
What I have done so far is check the difference between the ids of the last post and the post that has just been submitted, using the expression:
$post['postid'] - $threadinfo['lastpostid']
This works, and I am able then to auto-create a thread in our "Reported Posts" forum.
However, this is not completely satisfactory as it is based on forum posting activity (which could change of course) and not on time (the passage of which is constant), but I have thus far not been able to get the date/time information of the last post. For example, the expression:
returns a blank. Does anyone know which subscript contains the information regarding the last post's dateline, or otherwise how to obtain this information?