I'm not finding this bit of code in newreply.php
PHP Code:
// sort attachement
if ($permissions[canpostattachment] and trim($attachment)!="none" and trim($attachment)!="" and trim($attachment_name)!="") {
} else {
Instead, I find this:
PHP Code:
// sort attachement
if (trim($attachment)!="none" and trim($attachment)!="" and trim($attachment_name)!="") {
} else {
And in newthread.php Ican't find this:
PHP Code:
// sort attachement
if ($permissions[canpostattachment] and trim($attachment)!="none" and trim($attachment)!="" and trim($attachment_name)!="") {
if (!$foruminfo[moderateattach]) {
$attachcount = 1;
} else {
$attachcount = 0;
} else {
Instead, I find this:
PHP Code:
// sort attachement
if (trim($attachment)!="none" and trim($attachment)!="" and trim($attachment_name)!="") {
if (!$foruminfo[moderateattach]) {
$attachcount = 1;
} else {
$attachcount = 0;
} else {