Hi, I have searched and searched and am giving up. Please help?
There is 2 things I need to accomplish:
The global header is my issue. We are using the default style template and I am not sure if there may even be another that is better suited to do what we need. We need the 2 header ad locations stacked on the right side
style="position:absolute; left:790px; top:118px;
style="position:absolute; left:790px; top:198px;
How and where might this be done?
Second issue:
We will have a background fixed image that we want to include somewhere the hot link locations for it and remove the "logo" or not use the logo option.
Here is a sample of the image-map (without the image as it is simply a matter of locations)
<DIV Style='position:absolute;left:36;top:0;'>
<AREA SHAPE=rect COORDS="155,126,704,250" HREF="http://www.nolimitreef.com/index.php" ALT="Reef Aquarium Forum">
<AREA SHAPE=rect COORDS="482,4,893,117" HREF="http://www.nolimitreef.com/dbtclassifieds.php" ALT="Reefbay classifieds Buy Sell Trade">
<AREA SHAPE=rect COORDS="36,0,1380,315"></MAP>
Can this be done? Or is there a way to add to the header code with clickable (linked) box locations in the header within the DIV cold for the background image?
This is our forum url
Any help is greatly appreciated