It doesn't make sense to include the "Use Attachments?" function if it's known to not work. Also "Use Avatars?" seems useless since avatar images are too small for Pinterest.
Regarding using attachments, this may be a fix?
Post #2 says he uses:
$image = fetch_attachment_path($userid, $post['filedataid'],$thumb,'');
I downloaded his plugin and found the whole section to be:
function fetch_attachment_info($userid, $attachid, $thumb)
global $maxcolum, $maxrow, $maxwidth, $maxheight, $page, $vbulletin, $attachmentinfo, $vbphrase;
// read fileid
$output = $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT attachment.attachmentid, attachment.filedataid FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."attachment as attachment WHERE attachment.attachmentid =
".$attachid. "");
$post= mysql_fetch_array($output);
$image = fetch_attachment_path($userid, $post['filedataid'],$thumb,'');
if (file_exists($image))
// get image dimensions
list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($image);
// set wath kind of scaling should be used
if ($width>=$height)
$output = 'width=100%';
if ($height>$width)
$output = 'height= 100%';
return $output ;
Maybe this could be helpful? With a baby running around my feet, I don't have the time or attention span to figure out where/how to modify yours.