Thanks for the reply.
I have both of those lines so that I'm only using the code in between those two comments to avoid unnecessary markup.
I've tried even doing a simple return of a string, which also doesn't appear when the user isn't logged in but is there if logged in.
PHP Code:
class Mcheadd_Api_Options extends vB_Api_Extensions
public $product = 'mcheadd';
public $developer = '';
public $title = 'Pull in Site header';
public $minver = '5.1.0';
// public $maxver = '5.9.99';// Use vB default.
// public $infourl = '';
// public $checkurl = '';
public $AutoInstall = 0;
public $extensionOrder = 10;
public function mcheadfunction(){
return 'Test String';
these are stored in core/packages/mcheadd/api if that's any help
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Changing the echo to return worked, not sure why but it did!
Thanks for all your help, you're my hero.