Originally Posted by Max Taxable
And I have had excellent results and service with it, used it for over ten years now. I host four sites with it and pay only $150 annually for unlimited storage and bandwidth.
Only trouble I ever had was recently, on one of their windows machines I inherited after a site purchase. Migrating the vBull to Linux fixed the problems.
I've known a few others to also have the "good" experience regarding GoDaddy that Max speaks of so its not a myth (lol) usually though its a horror story of uber slowness in epic proportions (for example the one time I had hosting with them, the forum url was not yet public and with just wittle ole' me online it crawled like a snail = oversold server as it was shared hosting for me a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away

). If you have a dedicated server with them then usually no fuss or issues, in my personal opinion its best to only use them for domains (when they run the $1.99 specials rack up) and purchase your hosting elsewhere unless you can afford a dedicated server(and need/specifically require one as well).