Originally Posted by concepts
I am not trying to upload.. I am trying to REMOVE.
I uninstalled via product manager, deleted those files that were still on my server. Now I get this error and cannot access my site.
Download the plugin again and check what files need to be removed from your ftp this way you delete all files from this plugin but it also makes sure you dont delete files from another one
Originally Posted by concepts
Looks like this was the answer! Thanks alot for the help! As of current, no further issues, db errors, and I am back into my site.
I think I will go with the pro version of this mod instead of trying to work around the lite version again.
Thanks again.
Glad you got it fixed I find this one works so no need to go pro if you need help ask on the dev site they can config the settings for you at no cost if you are having problems with the rewrite rules