I thought I'd come back and update this thread.
What a disaster, vb5 was a complete failure for us. it sucked enormous server resources, cost over 200 man hours of work trying to upgrade an 8 year running forum, was so bad once it was finally migrated, 2 days later we reverted.
had a support ticket in at VB which they abandoned after 3 days. SEVEN days later he responds again letting me know he was 'off work for a few days'. unbelievable. As a side note, we don't run FTP services on our servers. the tech demanded ftp access and when told we don't use it, that I wasn't refusing it just wasn't available, he made the bogus claim that FTP is requirement to run vb LOL
submitted for a refund. they were so vindicitive they actually suspended my previous license for vb4, denied the refund, and their reaasoning was that they gave us the link to download the software and the link worked. so no refund.
thankfully i didn't go into this unprotected, and we won a paypal dispute and got our $550 back.
they finally reinstated the existing license for vb4, and I am absolutely, completely done with vb
how they are even still in business is beyond me. they couldn't evne respond to the paypal dispute, i'm sure because they knew they'd lose.
what a debacle.
thankfully I found out what happened after IB bought them, and where the 'fab 4' eventually went, and that's the same trip I'm taking.
I feel sorry for anyone that tries to maintain with vb5. maybe if it's a brand new forum they'd be ok, but upgrading a mature board? over 200 hours, and errors in the logs so bad we had to turn logging off completely because the logs would fill with gigs of data.
unbelievable. i can't even imagine what would happen if the person trying to upgrade didn't know PHP. heck i even posted in their forum, their vbtest script was broken, was looking for the wrong version of MySQL, I corrected it, then realized the error we got was bogus too. it claimed permissions problems on tables. the real problem was it was looking for the wrong version of MySQL, but they had duplicated the index for error response codes. so it was dumping out the wrong failure reason.
when told this, they ignored me completely even though I corrected their test script for them. I downloaded the software a week later and it had the same vbtest script in it that was broken