This is a great mod and it's been very useful to our forums over the past several years.. :up:
In fact, we sent y2ksw a large donation way back when to thank him for his work...
The only serious problem we've ever experienced is that nagging issue of handling a picture someone uploads that's too large for the mod to handle.
Refer to old posts 167 and 168 (and older) where we discussed it and "Bird of Prey" also helped with figuring out what could be done, to some degree.
Since there wasn't an obvious solution then, we simply got into the habit of manually running the mod every morning during maintenance routines, to make sure it completed and didn't get hung on any large pics members had uploaded.
Well, that worked fine for the last 24 months and ironically, we never had one hang, except for this morning. A member must have uploaded an 8Mb pic sometime yesterday and today when we manually ran and checked completion of the mod, it simply hung at the very start. We turned on the logging to see if we could figure out where it was hung, but there was no data there, so it must have been the very first pic it tried to import at some point.
So, we began the laborious task of going through hundreds of threads for the last day or so, trying to find one with an IMG pic that was too large for the mod to handle. After a few hours we found the 8 Megabyte sized pic, downloaded and resized it, then put it back.
We then re-ran the import mod and it worked fine, completing the import of this (now smaller) pic, as well as others that had been uploaded in the last 24 hours.
So, why am I posting?
Well, it was a real pain in the a$$ to have to manually sift through all those threads looking for a single pic that cause the import mod to hang and lock up. So, I was wondering if anyone had any ideas how we could automate a search for excessively large pics, so we could manually fix them and get y2ksw's mod going again?
I gather you can't catch large pics
before downloading them into the site, so it appears we have to live with the "hanging" issue, but it would be great if we could somehow find the offending pic(s) easier when that happens.
Anyone have any ideas?