Originally Posted by T2VSonya
squidsk, thanks for the help. Do you know where to change that setting on Cloudflare?
When you log into cloudflare go to your dns settings and make sure that the icon on the right has the arrow going through the cloud (arrow should be orange) and not the grey arrow going over the cloud.
Originally Posted by John Lester
You change that in the /includes/config.php file you uploaded to your site. You'll need your user id # so first go into your admin control panel and search for your name. Your user id # is on the top, make note of it.
Then open your /includes/config.php in a text editor that is NOT word and search for "superadmin". Then enter your user id in the spot for it and upload the file back to /includes/config.php
T2VSonya is looking for the location in cloudflare setting to make a change, it isn't a vbulletin setting.