yeah thats somewhat right. it will show it now but it will still show the images for the other fields. even though there blank ( figured out i needed to add the if conditions in between each link or they would all show reguardless )
<dl class="userinfo_extra">
<vb:if condition="$post['field9'] OR $post['field10'] OR $post['field11']">
<dd><center><b>Gamer Info</b><br>
<body class="gamerfont"><vb:if condition="$post['field9']"><a href="#" class="tooltipy"><img src="images/xboxicon.png" alt="My Gamertag" /><span><strong>My Xbox Gamertag is</br> {vb:raw post.field9}</strong><br />Go ahead and add me as a friend</span></a> </vb:if> <vb:if condition="$post['field10']"> <a href="#" class="tooltipy"><img src="images/Psnicon.png" alt="My Psn Gamertag" /><span><strong>My Playstation Gamertag is</br> {vb:raw post.field10}</strong><br />Go ahead and add me as a friend</span></a></vb:if> <vb:if condition="$post['field11']"> <a href="#" class="tooltipy"><img src="images/steamicon.png" alt="My Gamertag" /><span><strong>My Steam Account is</br> {vb:raw post.field11}</strong><br />Go ahead and add me as a friend</span></a></vb:if></body>
yeah that was it thanks for pointing me in the right direction